Dream Text on Green Leaves

The “D” in the MVG FWD Reframe-work stands for dream. It’s the only forward-looking element, but let me use the wise words of Thomas J Leonard as a caution. “Hold your dreams lightly and [don’t] squeeze the soul out of them.” Dreams are important, they provide directionally accurate orientation, however, they are never fully realized. 

Why? Because things change. You change. Have you ever had a dream come true only to find it wasn’t as fulfilling as you imagined it to be? That’s because the joy of a dream, the essence of it, can only be found in the journey toward it. Never at its destination. When you get there it more often feels a lot more “shabby” than what you had pictured in your mind.

Take some time today and allow yourself to dream. To be looking to the future that has yet to come to you and how you want that future to unfold. Grab a pen and paper and write out your dream. State it out loud to the universe and to yourself. How does that feel? Be as descriptive as possible. 

Ask yourself the following question: What future am I looking forward to? 

Be real. Be curious. Be courageous.