Has this ever happened to you? You’re in a heated conversation with someone you love or respect and afterward you think to yourself “why did I say that?”
I mean this person is important to you but you said something without thinking or that didn’t feel right.
Now is a great time to go deep and ask yourself what value was either being violated by them or ignored by you?
Don’t simply ignore this internal prompt. Dig in and use it to learn more about yourself.
What about the topic of conversation stirred you? Or was there something in the way things were said that was troublesome?
Take some time for retrospection and introspection. Write down what you’ve uncovered.
Your core values show up whether you realize it’s happening or not. And ignoring a core value can lead to frustration for you and those around you.
That’s why the “V” in The Moving Forward Reframe-Work prompts you to answer the question: What are my core values? Knowing what you value deep inside will help you move forward no matter what life throws at you.